Sunday, July 15, 2012

Office Chair MakeOver

The one thing in my youngest daughters room that looked out of place was her chair.  The rest of her room is adorned with bright colours, wonderful artwork, flag bunting the list goes on, but her chair was , well, drab.  
I didn't actually take a photo of the chair before its makeover (which I should have) but have found a photo of one that is pretty similar to how it looked, but mine was a darker blue and really worn and faded.  This chair also had the misfortune of being in the way of a projectile vomit recently so was taken outside and hosed off where it stayed for a few weeks.  It needed a makeover!!!

So after pulling it all apart , removing the old fabric and working my magic on it you would not recognise it as the same chair.  Now it fits into her room beautifully.

Monday, July 2, 2012

100 Beanie Drive - Can you Help

My blog as usual has been very quiet.  Only when I think I have something worth saying or showing you do I pop in here.  So today I have something to say.
My online crafty friend Jess has set up a Beanie Drive and is looking for crafty types who could donate to the cause.  
Read the story and find out all you need to know HERE

Have a Heart and take Part
You can make a difference


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