Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Last Day - Blogtober - Halloween

Happy Halloween Everyone!!
You know , it's that crazy day of the year, that nobody really understands however the kids get excited because it is all about dress ups and lollies.
I love that is very theatrical and you must admit the pumpkins looks pretty funky.
Just not sure what all the spooky , creepiness is all about.

I have been having a bit of creative block lately!  Hence the reason I have not shown you much of what I have made lately.  Life got a little crazy for a few months, and with me staying full time in hospital with my little girl , my priorities were shifted and it is taking me a while to get back on track.  My creative outlet though is something I love to do, and it is a big part of who I am , so when you get stuck and are just not sure what direction you want to take ( or what to even make) it is hard.

So yesterday, I grabbed my hook and yarn with no real plan on what I was going to make - I just needed to make something!  And despite my lack of direction, pattern or ideas I am pretty pleased with what I made.  It needs a little finishing off so I will show you on I MADE IT MONDAY..

1 comment:

  1. hi there ... we have had Amercan and Canadian nannies to help out in the past and Halloween has always been HUGE for them... so... the kids used to dress up in a mask or something then I would have to hide behind the office door ... bedroom door ... and my husband behind another door for the kids 'trick or treat' ... a bit tricky on a cattle property!

    now they're a bit bigger, (and the nannies are long-gone) so we dont' do it any more, but it was a lovely memory x


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