Sunday, October 16, 2011

and that is another birthday gone...

Yesterday was my birthday!
I got lots of lovely cards.

Mum made me this
spectacular cake which was as yummy as it looks.
An awesome Heart teapot from hubby as well as the lazy susan it is sitting on , made by him .
One of my dearest friends gave me the most beautifully perfumed rose plant "angel face".

Coupons from the kids including a "free carwash", which I cashed in as it was only valid for my birthday.

Mum in law made a stunning quilt which I am yet to take photos of...stay tuned.

Plus I went out for lunch with the family - so all in all a fabulous birthday.


  1. Yay for Birthdays ! That cake looks amazing - can't wait to catch up this week, you still have one more gift to come xo

  2. Happy Birthday! for a while back.
    That is a fabulusos teapot! What a clever hub to find that!
    And the cake looks yummo!

  3. Aren't tea pots just the greatest!? I don't know what it is about them... that heart one is very cool, I have definitely seen it before someone (not at an op shop- at a retail store... deja vu!)


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